Welcome to Moodesigns


I'm a avid photographer of Nature in My Backyard and I do hope you enjoy  taking a spin through my images of birds and other wildlife.    I've got poetry and short  stores I hope you'll enjoy.

I'm also a fan of excellence in music.  Please, do check out the musical artists on my links page, all personally known to me and all worthy of your taking the time to visit.... and listen.


All photographs, stories and poetry (with the exception of works by select guest poets) are works created by me, Mary Barnett  If you are interested in purchasing prints of my photographs, please use the contact form to get in touch with me.


All content on this web site is protected by copyright.    Poetry posted by others (on our guest poet pages) is the property of the respective author(s) of each work, and those authors hold the copyrights, whether formally granted or not, to their work(s) on this web site.  Absolutely no content may be copied, used, sold or distributed in any form without the express written permission of the copyright holder(s).

Please visit our links page... you can

donate to the hungry at no cost to you!

Heartfelt thanks to :

Max Abrams


Godfrey John

Rosalind John


Becca De La Rosa


Your kindness and sharing spirits are very much appreciated. ~ Mary

Thanks for visiting!



©1999 - 2024  Mary Barnett / Moodesigns