I am a child of my father and my mother and the sea

I am a child of the forest and of the glen and of the lea

I am a child of the moon I am a child of the sun

I am a child of the universe

All these yet only one


I am a child of the clouds that drift across the sky above

I am a child of the music that translates itself to love

I am a child of the gentle drops that make the springtime rain

I am a child of the universe

A child who knows of pain


I am a child of the zephyr that is wild inside its core

I am a child of the waves and sand that line the ocean's shore

I am a child of the hawk that rides the current of the wind

I am a child of the universe

That gladly takes me in


I am a child of the field of flowers riotous in bloom

I am a child of the smile that shines and so transcends the gloom

I am a child of the flames that seem to flicker in the night

I am a child of the universe

With wonder in my flight


I am a child of the legend that is knowledge deep and real

I am a child of the mysteries that space and time reveal

I am a child of the stardust and the child of truth and right

I am a child of the universe

Searching for the light


A child of the universe

Still searching for the light

©1999 - 2024  Mary Barnett / Moodesigns