I don't want to be, my dear,

A Gypsy any more

My rambling days I've left behind

I'll stay here by the shore

Maybe you can see, my dear,

How all that went before

Has left me feeling disinclined-

I'll stay here by the shore.


I was just eighteen, my dear,

A musician on the road

I traveled seven days a week

And melody I sowed-

I played for everyone, my dear,

As long as music flowed

My fingers played the notes I'd seek

And melody I sowed.


Now, traveling tired me out, my dear,

These forty-odd last years

I never saw the same place twice

But I found joy, and tears

I've walked half 'round the world, my dear,

I think it's time to rest

I've walked half 'round the world, my dear,

And I found joy, and tears.



©1999 - 2024  Mary Barnett / Moodesigns